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Specify exact width value in TailwindCSS

How to specify exact width value in TailwindCSS?
<div class="w-[500px]">Element width is exactly 500px</div>

To set a custom exact width value for the current element you can use arbitrary values, which is available by default from TailwindCSS version 3 onwards. Using it is simple, just enter the desired value between square brackets [] after the w- prefix like this:

<div class="w-[500px]">Element width is exactly 500px</div>


Extend Tailwind config

If you use an exact value a lot, you may want to extend the Tailwind utility classes.

To do this, you need to modify the tailwind configuration file:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
     extend: {
       width: {
        '500': '500px',

After that, you can write code like this:

<div class="w-500">Element width is exactly 500px</div>



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Specify exact width value in TailwindCSS
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