Set element width over 100% using Tailwind CSS
How to set element width over 100% using Tailwind CSS? Answer:
<div class="w-[125%]">I'm 125% wide</div>
TailwindCSS has a lot of predefined width utility classes. However, sometimes you may need to set a custom value other than these. In this case, you can use arbitrary values.
Use the following syntax w-[ANY_CSS_VALUE]
For example:
<div class="w-[123px]">Width 123px</div>
<div class="w-[150%]">Width 150%</div>
To use arbitrary values you need to activate JIT mode, but from TailwindCSS v3 onwards this is activated by default.
TailwindCSS width reference
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width, over, arbitrary values, tailwind Technical term:
Set element width over 100% using Tailwind CSS